Monday, May 24, 2010

Rand Paul Interview at WHAS11 Louisville: Plus, Dems Turn Midterms Into 'Referendum on Rand Paul'

Here's the local media interview from the weekend, "Rand Paul Sits Down With Joe Arnold to Address Recent Controversial Statements" (via Memeorandum and HuffPo):

In the wake of the controversy that followed Paul's Wednesday night appearance on MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show, and subsequent interviews with other national networks, the Paul campaign has suspended interviews with national reporters, including canceling a planned appearance on NBC's Meet the Press. Referring to a live interview on ABC's Good Morning America on Friday morning, Paul said he "held my own against (George) Stephanapolous."

Paul said one lesson learned from the MSNBC experience is "I need to be very careful about going on certain networks that seem to have a bias. Because it really wasn't the interview so much that was unfair. The interview I think was very fair. But then they went on a whole day repeating something over and over again. It makes me less inclined to go on a network."
More at the link.

Paul's naivety is cringe worthy, although his decision to hold off a bit on national media interviews is a winner. It's time to get that campaign organization up to world class standards, you think?

Meanwhile, the netroots radicals are turning the November midterms into "a referendum on Rand Paul" (and that's a real quotation). See Daily Kos, "
SCANDAL! Rand Paul MUST return Neo-Nazi funds NOW and DENOUNCE Stormfront ..."


Sure, the post's from a Kos diarist, but the entire conservative movement is a dog-whistle for the KKK as far as the Democratic Media Industrial Complex is concerned. It's all they've got, frankly. For example, at the pedestrian Political Carnival blog, "White Supremacist Watch: Stormfront Funding Rand Paul."

See also Dan Gainor at Newsbusters, "
Gainor on Fox & Friends – Rand Paul Attacks All About (2010) Race":

And Dan Gainor's analysis at Fox News, "The Media's New Villain -- Rand Paul."