Saturday, May 12, 2012

'Fighting on My Behalf'

Poetrooper has commentary, at This Ain't Hell:
Good grief, even the rawest buck sergeant knows that his troops are first loyal to themselves, meaning the immediate, cohesive unit, starting with their squad, moving up through platoon and company to a tenuous battalion loyalty; then to the mission, and as a distant last, to flag and country. In six years of active duty in the Army, most of one of those in ground combat, I never once heard a soldier express the belief that he was serving on behalf of John Kennedy or Lyndon Johnson, the presidents of the time. Not once. Had any trooper done so, he would have immediately become suspect by his entire chain of command. For this inept commander in chief to reference the troops as fighting on his behalf can only lead to one conclusion: Obama’s been staring at his own image in the golf course pond for far too long and far too often.
Also from Elliott Abrams, at Weekly Standard.

PREVIOUSLY: "Barack Obama's Abject Political Calculations on Homosexual Marriage."