Sunday, January 30, 2011

'Retarded Sexuality'? — Plus, Scott Lemieux Anti-Semitism?

So alleges Paul Campos, at Lawyers, Gays and Marriage, after noticing that the New York Times' Opinionator Blog linked to my essay on the vice president's response to the Egyptian protests. But look, I've never heard of "retarded sexuality" ... or "unretarded sexuality," for that matter. I have heard of "repressed sexuality," which is weird when placed in the context of the radical progressives. I guess it's not so much '60-style free love any more so much as it is Obama-cult totalitarianism. So, yeah, it's repression, all the way down.

Maybe Theo's
Bedtime Totty will help those creeps loosen up a bit (click and enlarge the full image here).

And back over at LGM, Professor Dan Nexon
in the comments:
I can’t get worked up over which commentators opinionator pulls from, but there is something disturbing about juxtaposing Donald’s and allapundit’s thoughts with those of Marc Lynch. They could have found a right-wing expert on Middle East politics, rather than people far outside of their specialty who’s only interest is to find the latest angle to criticize Obama. But, no, we get a leading scholar on Middle East media and democratization and, well, the “other side.”
Fine, but c'mon: I don't really like being lumped in with Allahpundit!

ADDED: Scott Lemieux's piece on academic freedom: "We’re Just Firing You — The Course is Safe!"

And while the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) has issued a protest, for some reason I doubt Lemieux would be standing up for the professor if he'd been attacking rather than backing Israel. Maybe that's because the guy's apparently a suicide-bomber sympathizer. Yeah, that's it. Lemieux's all about killing the innocent, so that makes sense.